L.B. is a Senior Product Designer working in Ecommerce and has 5 years of experience.
Actively looking
A Lead Product Designer role at a smallish company in SaaS where I can work remote.
I’ve previously worked in…
Education, Travel, Gaming, Publishi
I want to work at a company…
That has innovative, cchallenging projects where I can learn and grow. That is reasonable flexible in regards to time and values delivery and quality.
My elevator pitch…
I excel in working on complex projects, anayzing the processes and helping my stakeholders and colleagues understand the ecosystem. I use my storytelling, psychology and visual design skills to understand and describe user journeys. I love quickly brainstorming and validating ideas with real users in order to design an accurate solution.
I’m skilled at…
UX Design, User Research, Behavior Science, Mapping Experiences, UI Design, Design Systems, Figma, Sketch, Framer, InVision, Miro, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
I’d never work in…
Companies I’d never work for…
Do I seem like a good fit for your role?
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I have a degree in