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K.K. is a VP of Marketing working in Content and has 15+ years of experience.

Open to offers DEI Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. This person identifies as a minority based on race, ethnicity, or gender. They have been verified before publishing their profile.
My perfect job is…

A CMO role at a mid-size company in Travel where I can work remote or in-office.

I’ve previously worked in…

Finance, Education, LMS

My desired salary range is…

$170-$200k USD

I want to work at a company…

Work life balance is paramount to me. If this isn’t reality at your company, I won’t be there.

My elevator pitch…

I am a problem solver, first and foremost. The biggest problems facing marketing is misalignment with sales, and I have found the most success when these two teams are in lock step.

I’d never work in…


Companies I’d never work for…

Amazon Uber Facebook

Companies I’d love to work for…


Do I seem like a good fit for your role? Contact me now
I have a degree in

Visual Design