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J.D.P. is a CXO working in Technology and has 15+ years of experience.

Actively looking New York City
My perfect job is…

A CXO role at any company in Helping people where I can work remote.

I’ve previously worked in…

Technology, Fintech, Banking, Consulting, Travel

My desired salary range is…

$250-$350k USD

I want to work at a company…

That believes we can all make an impact,
and that anyone can be a leader and help their team achieve great things - as long as they’re willing to put the work in. You don’t need a special background or pedigree: the future will be built by anyone with the ambition and the audacity to succeed.

My elevator pitch…

My mission is to help teams build better systems and help companies get the most out of Organizational Agility.

I’m skilled at…

Organizational agility

I’d never work in…


Companies I’d never work for…

Bank of America Goldman Sachs Group

Companies I’d love to work for…

Google Apple Amazon

Do I seem like a good fit for your role? Contact me now
I am located in…

New York City

I am willing to relocate…

No, I am not

I have a degree in

Organizational Psychology

My inner animal is a…


If I had a time machine, I would go…

To the future