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J.B. is a Recruiter working in Finance and has 4 years of experience.

Open to offers Honolulu
My perfect job is…

A Manager Recruiting role at a smallish company in Automation where I can work remote or in-office.

I’ve previously worked in…


My desired salary range is…

90K - 120K

I want to work at a company…

values me

My elevator pitch…

An awesome recruiter who delivers awesomeness

I’m skilled at…

adept, Coding

I want to learn…


I’d never work in…


Companies I’d never work for…

Industrial Bank

I’d love to work in…


Companies I’d love to work for…

Reliance Industries

Do I seem like a good fit for your role? Contact me now
I am located in…


I am willing to relocate…

Yes, I am

If I had a time machine, I would go…

To the past