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T.G. is a Senior Software Engineer working in Construction and has 5 years of experience.

Open to offers Bangalore
My perfect job is…

A Senior Software Engineer role at a tiny company where I can work remote.

I’ve previously worked in…

Transportation, Manufacturin

My desired salary range is…

$100-120k USD

I want to work at a company…

Company with challenging work, opportunity for growth. Where I can make an impact with my work. Also good balance between in and out of work

My elevator pitch…

I'm punctual. I have worked with 3 different start-ups, got hands-on experience building applications from scratch. I find solutions and makes things work.

I’m skilled at…

JavaScript, Nodejs, React, Mongo DB, AWS services, SQL

I want to learn…

Flutter, Python

I’d never work in…


I’d love to work in…

SaaS Education Construction

Do I seem like a good fit for your role? Contact me now
I am located in…


I am willing to relocate…

No, I am not

I have a degree in


If I had a time machine, I would go…

To the future